The Swartwout Chronicles

What are they?  Are you kidding?  They are THE starting point for genealogy for the Swartwout Family, regardless of the spelling! While they aren't totally complete or accurate, they provide an excellent reference for those born prior to 1899.  Estimates are that it is missing 25-30% of the Swartwout descendants when it was published in 1888. If you don't find the individuals you are looking for in here, you'll need to contact me or Mary Rindfleisch or Kathy Hoeldke to see if they've been added to the corrections or additions that we've been working on.  Kathy Hoeldke's web site contains a great deal of Swarthout family trees. Read the Preface for the background.

Census of the Swartwout Chronicles

I am in the process of doing a Census of the Swartwout Chronicles. Do you have a copy? Does one of your cousins have one? There were only 100 copies printed and it would be nice to learn how many of them are still in existance. Please, let me know if you know the location of an original!

Current Listing

I wasn't sure I wanted to format and put them in, but now that I've 'e-met' Brett MacDonald, it's a moot point.  You want the whole thing?  Pictures and text and hyperlinked index and a GedCom file to boot?  Contact Brett.  He's scanned and done all the work and will send you a CD ROM for a reasonable price.  I got my copy at the Reunion and am very pleased.  Contact him directly to place an order.

Cleaned up on 2/7/01

The Nuptial Poem

Cover of the Swartwout Chronicles

To Order Contact Brett MacDonald

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This page was created by Mark Swarthout.
The last update to the page was on Wednesday, September 9, 2006.
Send me some mail !